My Mission
Through my writing, I hope to:
Inspire you to challenge your own beliefs and behaviors
Make you question norms you thought were fixed or non-negotiable
Explain the key ingredients for a fulfilling existence
Help you feel fine with going against the grain
Give you courage to live life the way you truly want to
Sign up now to start taking back control of your journey.
My Story and Motivation
I have spent a lot of my life trying to fit in:
I went to 5 different schools before the age of 11, the last of which was in a different country. A teacher made fun of me for “sneezing in a Scottish accent”.
I was blessed with natural academic gifts in a high school where it wasn’t cool to get good grades.
After being laughed out of Cambridge I went to a different fancy university full of people with upper class backgrounds while I still had a part time job at McDonalds to help pay my tuition.
I entered the world of corporate employment, where I’ve spent the last 24 years adjusting myself to shifting and subjective definitions of success.
9 years ago, I moved to a different country again. A much bigger cultural shift, which I majorly underestimated.
Don’t get me wrong - I’m pleased with how my life has gone so far. I have a wonderful family and have had many great opportunities and experiences over the years.
But, a fixation on pleasing others and outside influences on the shape of my journey have been heavy weights to carry.
After nearly 44 full years on the planet, I finally decided to chart my own path on my own terms. To embrace the remained of my existence with the thoughtfulness and self-determination it deserves.
Social drinking (a great way to ‘fit in’) had always offered me a gently numbing embrace from my underlying discomfort with myself. I felt like I was fumbling with the keys to the doorway to my purpose.
I dropped casual boozing on November 19th 2022 and sought to fill my life with something better. This created an insatiable hunger for growth and a more thorough search for purpose.
Since then, I have been voraciously learning. Consuming new ways of thinking and challenging myself to approach life through a more self-driven lens. Including the challenge of writing online.
Through this process I have found great enthusiasm for sharing and debating my learnings with anyone I encounter.
I also love playing a part in unlocking the potential in others, it is the biggest thing motivating me to get out of bed each morning. I have observed the incredible power of digital platforms as a vehicle to have that effect at scale. So, here we are.
I’m not here to force anyone to change anything. What’s right for me may be disastrously wrong for you. Choose your own path.
Cadence and cost
I aim to publish weekly, on Mondays. I plan to make my content available for free to all subscribers. Zero dollars. Until I become an unlikely internet sensation, at least.
Thanks for joining, enjoy the ride!